Assets Strategies

2 Result(s) Found

This Buildings Strategy has been developed in response to the need to plan for the provision and maintenance of buildings right across our region.

It assesses how well our existing buildings will meet the needs of the future Murray River Council population, covering facilities such as public halls, offices, libraries, public toilets and sports pavilions.

This Strategy takes a long-term strategic view and recognises that decisions made today about facility provision have significant and enduring management and operational implications.

It also seeks to plan for the delivery of new facilities, and identifies which facilities are to be retained, replaced and consolidated or rationalised over the next 10 years.


This Parks and Open Spaces Strategy will guide how we sustainably manage, protect and invest in the open space network across Murray River Council.

It covers management of council-owned parks, open spaces, sportsgrounds, cemeteries, drainage reserves and road reserves.

The Strategy outlines different categories of open space, along with the corresponding hierarchies and inclusions. It provides a framework for the ongoing monitoring and management of existing spaces, as well as clear guidance for future open space development.

A detailed Service Delivery Plan sits underneath this Open Space Strategy.


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