Economic, community, and forecast profiles
Murray River Council expands an area of 11,865 square kilometres, is home to approximately 12,000 residents and is located in the southern Riverina - 800km south of Sydney and 205km north of Melbourne.
The main population centres include Barham, Mathoura, Moama, Moulamein, Murray Downs, Tooleybuc and Wakool. Other communities include Bunnaloo, Goodnight, Koraleigh and Womboota. The area has a wealth of physical features including majestic sweeping plains, magnificent stands of Red Gum forests and is almost totally surrounded by the mighty Murray River and its tributaries.
Murray River’s natural assets continue to attract locals and visitors alike, forming the backdrop to many recreational activities. With tourism, industry and an idyllic rural lifestyle, Murray River continues to grow and prosper.
The buttons below will take you to our Community and Economic profiles, providing statistics and data that relate specifically to Murray River Council.
This data includes REMPLAN town-level population projections out to 2041.
You can also access the Regional profile, which provides similar data relating to the Riverina area.
Murray River Council Economic, Community and Forecast Profiles
Regional Profile