Building Information Certificate A Building Information Certificate indicates whether a building has been constructed in accordance with the required approvals.
Complying Development Certificate A Complying Development Certificate (CDC) is a combined planning and construction approval for certain developments that meet specific development standards through a fast-track assessment process.
Construction Certificate Before you start any building or construction work, you’ll need to apply for a construction certificate.
Development Application (DA) A Development Application is a formal request for permission to carry out certain development.
Driveway Crossover application If you are constructing a driveway or crossover you must obtain approval from Council before commencing any works.
Occupation Certificate An Occupation certificate is issued by the appointed Principal Certifying Authority for a development and grants approval for the use or occupation of a building.
Plumbing and drainage works application A Section 68 approval is required if you are planning to connect or disconnect from any of Council’s sewer, stormwater or water systems.
Septic system installation permit A Section 68 approval is required if you are planning to connect a septic system (onsite wastewater) at your property
Subdivision Certificate A Subdivision Certificate certifies that a plan of subdivision has been completed in accordance with the relevant development consent conditions.
Subdivision Works Certificate A Subdivision Works Certificate is required before you can carry out subdivision work in accordance with a development consent.