Feedback is invited on Planning Proposal PP-2023-1523

No longer on display. Expired on 24 June 2024, 04:00 PM

Planning Proposal Number


Proposed Activity

Rezoning of land from R5 Large Lot Residential to RU5 Village, and reduce the minimum Lot Size provisions of 4000m2 to 450m2

Subject Land

6 Clifton Street, Mathoura - Lot 611 DP 806704


David Hunter

Consent Authority

Murray River Council


Notice is hereby given under Section 3.34(2)(c) and Schedule 1 Clause 4 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 for a Updated Planning Proposal (PP-2023-1523) to amend the Murray Local Environmental Plan 2011. The Updated Proposal seeks the Rezoning of land from R5 Large Lot Residential to RU5 Village and reduce the minimum Lot Size provisions of 4000m2 to 450m2. 

The Minister for Planning has issued Murray River Council (Relevant Planning Authority) with plan making delegation in respect to this Updated Planning Proposal under Section 3.36 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

A copy of the Updated Planning Proposal and other accompanying documents can be viewed on NSW Planning portal until Monday 24th June 2024.

Council invites written submissions regarding the above Updated Planning Proposal. Any submission is to be made in writing and must quote the planning proposal number (PP-2023-1523). Please also provide your contact details (phone number, email address and postal address) in order for Council staff to contact you if required.

Submissions are to be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Murray River Council, PO BOX 906, Moama NSW 2731 or email before 4:00pm on Monday 24th June 2024.

Please be advised that submissions are not confidential and that either the issues raised in the submission, or the entire submission may be accessed by any member of the public including the applicant. A person who makes a submission may also need to disclose reportable political donations and gifts made to a Councillor or employee of Council, as required by the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

Terry Dodds