Feedback is invited on DA 10.2023.137.1

No longer on display. Expired on 30 June 2023, 04:30 PM

 Development Application Number 10.2023.137.1 
 Proposed Activity  Solar Energy System (Construction of 6.87MWh Solar Farm)
 Property  206 Gonn Road, BARHAM
 Applicant  Power Generation Co.
 Consent Authority  Murray River Council 


A copy of the Development Application can be viewed on the NSW Planning Portal until 30 June 2023 by following the below instructions.

  1. Access the following website:, and then click on the following tabs:
  2. ‘Publications’ (may also be labelled ‘Exhibitions and Publications’).
  3. ‘Exhibitions’.
  4. ‘DA Exhibitions’.
  5. Under the ‘Filter by’ heading complete the following drop down box options:
  • Filter by: DA Status – ‘On Exhibition’
  • Filter by: Local government area – ‘Murray River Council’,
  • Click ‘Apply Filters’ at the bottom of the page.

The application and plans are also available on Council’s website. Council invites you to make a written Submission until 30 June 2023.

All submissions must be made via the NSW Planning Portal (by clicking the ‘Make a submission’ drop down box on the subject DA exhibition page and filling in the fields). It is noted submissions received via other means will not be considered by Council when determining the application.

Please be advised submissions are not confidential and either the issues raised in the submission, or the entire submission may be accessed by any member of the public including the Applicant. A person who makes a submission may also need to disclose reportable political donations and gifts made to a Councillor or employee of Council, as required by the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

Application-and-Plans-DA-10.2023.137.1.pdf(PDF, 12MB)