Mathoura's Waste Facility will soon have reduced opening days

No longer on display. Expired on 24 July 2024, 02:00 PM

Council recently completed a review of waste and resource recovery facilities; looking at operational and resourcing costs, community use, environmental impacts and other options available to users.

The outcome of this review supports Council’s ‘Sustainable MRC’ project, which encompasses a number of service and service level reviews and decisions by Council aimed at securing long-term financial sustainability.

One of the outcomes from this review was that Council will reduce the operating hours at Mathoura’s Waste and Resource Recovery Facility from three full days to two. (Resolution 151023).

The new hours will come into effect from July 1, 2024 and will be: Thursdays and Sundays, 8am-4pm.

Why are the opening hours reducing?

Council undertook a review of usage at the site over the 2022 and 2023 years. On average, 7.5 users attend the site each opening (less than 1 customer per hour), with an income of $16,533 per annum. With operational costs sitting at $75,433 this means the site currently costs Council $61,362 a year to run. This also excludes any capital costs to improve the facility or any major maintenance.

With minimal income to support the sites’ running costs, a reduction in opening days is therefore one step council can take towards continued operational savings.

This decision also aligns services right across the council, with other small communities having access to local waste facilities 2-days per week.

Other waste disposal options

Council’s Waste Facility at Moama offers increased resource recovery and recycling solutions, 7-days a week. 

Whilst dropping off general waste at any of Council’s Transfer Stations incurs a fee, there are a number of items that can be taken there for FREE. This includes scrap metal, cardboard, mixed recyclables (such as items that would go in your yellow-lid bins), Ewaste and motor oil.

Moama Waste Management Facility

91 Centre Road, Moama

Open: Mon-Fri: 7am - 3pm, Sat-Sun: 9am - 3pm

More information

Whilst we appreciate this is a change to the operation of a long-standing facility, Council trusts the community will understand as we strive for more equitable, sustainable and efficient waste management options across the council area.

Should you require further details or would like to speak to a member of our Waste Team about your waste disposal options please contact 1300 087 004 during business hours.