Construction Certificate

Before you start any building or construction work, you’ll need to apply for a construction certificate.

The certificate certifies that the construction plans and specifications for the development are consistent with the approved Development Consent and comply with the Building Code of Australia.

You can apply for a Construction Certificate as part of your Development Application, or after your Development Application has been approved.

Construction Certificates cannot be issued retrospectively.

Submit an application

Step 1.Create an account or log-in

Head to the NSW Planning Portal to login. Or follow the prompts to create an account. 

Step 2.Apply

Once your account is set up, you can submit your applications via the portal.  

Complete the online application for a Construction Certificate (CC). You can view the NSW Government's quick guide to this application process here.

Step 3.Upload your documents 

Depending on the type of works or use, there will be certain documentation that you will be required to lodge with your application. Take a look at the checklist tab to find out more. 

Step 4.Lodge for review

Once the application is submitted through the Portal, an initial review will be carried out to check the information provided is sufficient for Council to accept.

If we need more information before the application can be accepted, an officer will contact you to request this information or for further clarification. Once adequate information is provided, the application can be accepted.

Step 5.Application is ready to be accepted

When the application has been reviewed and considered ready for lodgement, an invoice will be sent to you for payment of the associated fees.

Assessment of your application will not commence until the fees have been received by Council.

Step 6.Assessment of the application

Once fees have been paid, the application will be registered. A site inspection will then be organised.

Officers will contact you if anything further is required.


The planning system in New South Wales can at times seem overwhelming and complex, so Council staff have developed some checklists to help you get all the right documentation in order before you lodge an application online.

You can find them here.


If you need assistance using the Planning Portal, please view the Department's Help, Support and Training Page or you can call 1300 305 695 for additional support.