Paying your rates
All rates are levied in July for the upcoming financial year. You may opt to pay your rates in full by 31 August this year, or in four equal installments due:
- 31 August
- 30 November
- 28 February
- 31 May
Payment methods:
You can use the BPay system to pay your rates by telephone or internet.
When making a payment using BPay, enter your biller code and reference number shown next to the BPay logo on the front of your rates notice.
For more information, contact your bank or alternatively visit BPay.
Post Billpay
Payments to a maximum of $1,000 can be made using Australia Post Billpay using your Mastercard or Visa. Simply quote Billpay Code, along with your Customer Reference Number (shown in the bottom left hand corner on the front page of your rates notice), the amount being paid and your credit card details.
By mail
You can mail us cheques and money orders made payable to Murray River Council (PO Box 906, Moama, 2731)
Please allow sufficient time for delivery.
Need more info? Call us on 1300 087 004.
At a Council Customer Service Centre
Bring your notice into the Barham, Moama, Moulamein Business Centre or the Mathoura Visitor and Business Centre. Payment can be made by cash, cheque, credit card or EFTPOS.
Centrepay is a voluntary and easy payment option available to Centrelink customers.
To set this up you’ll need:
- your Centrelink Customer Reference Number (CRN)
- your Assess/Cust Ref No - which is in the bottom left hand corner of your rates notices
- our business details - Murray River Council PO Box 906 Moama 2721. Phone 1300 087 004
- our Centrepay Ref No (CRN) 555 121 661V
Paying rates during financial hardship
Under our Rates and Hardship Policy we can provide equitable and flexible arrangements to pay rates and charges during times of exceptional financial hardship.
You can view our Rates and Hardship policy here.
If you feel you qualify then complete the Rates and Hardship Application form and lodge with council.