Developer contributions

Under Division 7.1, Subdivision 3 (local infrastructure contributions) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, Council is able to recover the costs of infrastructure and facilities that are provided by Council to meet the demands of future development. Prior to the amendment of the EP&A Act 1979 in March 2018, these provisions were generally referred to as Section 94 development contributions and the new numbering still retains the same effect.

The range of public facilities identified under Council's Contribution Plans include open space, community facilities, waste, drainage, roads and car parking.

Contribution Plans:

Greater Murray and Moama Wards

Murray-s94a-Levy-Development-Contribution-Plans-2011.pdf(PDF, 7MB)

Section-94-Development-Contributions-Plan-2011.pdf(PDF, 528KB)

Greater Wakool Ward

Wakool-s94-Development-Contribution-Plan-2008.pdf(PDF, 10MB)