Water restrictions

We operate under the following permanent water saving rules.

These rules mean Council generally recommends not watering during the hottest part of the day at any time.

Gardens and lawns (daylight savings time)
 Automatic watering system any day: between 7pm and 7am 
 Manual watering system  any day: between 5pm and 10am
 Hand-held hose with trigger device any day, any time
Gardens and lawns (all other times AEST) 
 Automatic watering system  any day: between 4pm and 9am 
 Manual watering system any day: between 5pm and 10am
 Hand-held hoses with a trigger device  any day, any time
Paved areas
 Impervious areas and vehicles use hand-held hose with triggers only 
Public spaces
Public spaces and sports grounds  use existing water savings plan - please contact us for more info