Oct-Dec 2022 flood information and updates

Emergency stabilisation works versus Reconstruction works -

Post October 2022 Flood Event 

Emergency stabilisation works are urgent works we need to carry out to temporarily restore public road access. This may mean reduced road conditions (ie. Bitumen to gravel sections), reduced speed limits and in some cases reduced access for some types of vehicles (low clearance 2WD cars, heavy vehicles) due to rough temporary patches.

Reconstruction works are restoration works to fully reconstruct a public road to its pre-flood condition and be used again under normal conditions for that individual road. This does not necessarily include road or associated infrastructure upgrades (i.e., upgrading an unsealed road to a sealed road or installing new infrastructure such as culverts that weren’t previously there).  

Over the next 6 month at least, Councils focus will be on emergency stabilisation works and reopening roads that are essential access routes and will not be reinstating roads to pre-flood standard.   

Once all roads have been assessed (safety and risk) and emergency stabilisation works have been completed, our teams will begin reconstruction works on our roads across the region. Council needs the community to understand that due to the extensive damage to our road network (around 3200km of roads), this process is going to take some time. With this in mind Council please asks for our community to be patient and understanding of the situation task at hand in the foreseeable future.   

(Updated 17-01-2023)



Discoloured Filtered Water - ongoing issues 

Due to the recent flood event our drinking water is being affected by the river systems supply.  Some residents may be experiencing drinking water that is discoloured or that has a slightly muddy odour and / or muddy taste.  This is due to the high level of organic matter in the river water at present.
Council would like residents to know that our drinking water is safe for consumption.  It is tested daily and is within the requirements of the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.
Council is working to improve the quality of the drinking water and has commenced targeted flushing in areas known to have poor quality filtered water.  Council is also planning on a whole system flush at the end of January / early February, in anticipation that the river water quality improves.  Should further action be required to improve water quality, Council will advise residents prior to undertaking these works.
We ask residents who are experiencing issues to firstly run their tap for a minimum of 5 mins in an attempt to resolve the issue.  Should the issue persist, please contact Council on 1300 087 004 or email admin@murrayriver.nsw.gov.au and provide your location and contact details. 
Please remember that due to the discolouration the following may occur
  • toilet u-bends may look a little murky
  • bath water may look dirty
  • white sheets and clothes may not stay white when washed. 

For more information on why our drinking water is discoloured, please see the fact sheet below:

Factsheet: Why-is-my-water-discoloured.pdf(PDF, 86KB)

(Updated 19-01-2023)

We will continue to update this page with information, mapping and updates relating to the October - December 2022 flood event, as available. 

Please remember that NSW SES is the lead agency managing the flood event. 

Please remember that NSW Reconstruction Authority is the lead agency managing recovery from the flood event. 

Flood Recovery Management (Flood Affected Caravan and Holiday Parks) Policy 

A new Council policy has been adopted relating to moveable dwellings and relocatable homes and their ancillary structures (referred to as ‘structures’ throughout this document) as defined in the Local Government (Manufactured Home Estates, Caravan Parks, Camping Grounds and Moveable Dwellings) Regulation 2021 that:

  • Have a current council approval (a current Approval to Operate is in place), within a caravan park or camping ground;
  • Caravan parks and holiday parks that have experienced flood damage as a result of the October 2022 flood event and have been subject to a Rapid Damage Assessment by the NSW State Emergency Services (NSW SES).  Evidence of such an assessment may be required by Council where this Policy is used.  

The objective of the policy is to:  

  • To assist flood affected caravan parks and holiday parks to repair and replace flood affected buildings without delay but ensuring the safety and integrity of the structure and the overall site remains.
  • To establish reasonably practicable response times, in which to effect repairs can be made to flood affected building. 

For further information, please view the policy here.

Flood affected waste clean-up and sandbag collection

Registration for collection of residential sandbags or flood affected waste is now open. Registrations are now closed. 

Visit the Flood Affected Waste page for further information on how you can continue to dispose of flood affected waste.


All roads across Council's area are being impacted differently, both sealed and unsealed roads. Please take additional care when driving throughout the region.

To find out which road are impacted or closed across our region or greater NSW and Victoria please visit - Live Traffic NSW  


For V/Line Disruptions please click here  

Funding and support

We understand our community is facing a very challenging time with the current flooding situation. You will find information and links for financial support (for individuals and businesses) via our flood assistance page here

SES and RFS - social media links 

View live and current SES updates for our region, via Murray NSW SES here.

View live and current Rural Fire Service updates for our region, via RFS Mid Murray Zone here.


This is the BEST and most up-to-date emergency information available relating to the current flood situation. Scroll into the map until you hit your local area. Hover over the colour and click on the advice / warning on the left to find out the most recent advice relevant to your property. This site will be key for you to have up-to-date information. 

Council updates

For information on road closures, community meetings or general updates from council, head to our Facebook news feed. You do not need to have a Facebook account to be able to view this.

Head to our Facebook feed

Sandbagging fact sheet

Floods may impact communities across our area as the event progresses. If you are looking to sandbag your property, the fact sheet below has some handy tips. 

How-to-use-sandbags.pdf(PDF, 191KB)


GIVIT is a national online not-for-profit organisation matching generosity with genuine need. GIVIT connects donors and charities to make sure people and communities get exactly what they need, when they need it.

Anyone that would like to donate (funds, items or their time) is encourage to contact GIVIT so this donation can be distributed locally where appropriate. 

Please do not send unrequested donations directly to impacted areas as this can hinder recovery efforts.

Find out more here.


There have been multiple sightings of wildlife very close to roadways and in locations where they are not normally found.
In most cases the animals have relocated due to the flood water and they are now trying to find their way home.
Please call WIRES on 1300 094 737 to report any injured wildlife.


Essential Energy updates

If your property has been impacted by flood water is it important to take additional safety requirements when it comes to electricity. 

Here are some fact sheets from Essential Energy relating to power reconnections.  

Safety during floods 

Flood clean up safety fact sheet(PDF, 860KB)

Reconnecting to our network after flooding fact sheet(PDF, 3MB)

Reconnection process(PDF, 187KB)

After a flood

Do you know there are many steps to be undertaken once flood waters recede before you can return to your property or business that has been affected by flood water? 

To find out more visit NSW SES before, during and after a flood

The video below also provides an outline of what happens once flood waters start to recede. 




The Echuca-Moama-Torrumbarry Flood Study online map shows the extent and depth of inundation that can be expected for various flooding events in Echuca/Moama.

You can search your address via the address bar tool.

To navigate, use the menu at the bottom of the map:

1. The layer list (blue circle) shows the various levels of inundation. Be sure to select the October 2022 option.

2. The legend (green circle) outlines the flood depth relating to each colour.

Please note the mapping tool is easier to navigate on a desktop, or an iPad.

View mapping

Community updates: meetings and information

SES update fact sheets

SES-Moama-Newsletter-23-11-22.pdf(PDF, 760KB)

Community Meetings

The recordings/information from any community meetings held can be accessed below.

Moama: Held 16 October 2022, 5pm.

 Community-Update-1-Moama.pdf(PDF, 2MB)



Community updates: meetings and information

Welfare checks

We know there may be some residents in Barham and surrounds that may feel a little isolated in their homes and may not use social media or have access to the website/s. So we are inviting these people to contact our team at the Barham Community Hub if they require any additional information/support/welfare checks at this time.

The Hub will be open from 8.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday at 29 Noorong St Barham. If you know someone this service may benefit, please pass on the details. They can also call 1300 087 004 and ask to speak to a member of the Barham Community Services Team.

SES update fact sheets

Barham SES update #1(PDF, 1MB)

Barham SES update #2(PDF, 614KB)

Barham SES update #3(PDF, 579KB)

SES-Barham-Newsletter-23-11-22.pdf(PDF, 761KB)

Community meetings

The recordings from any community meetings held can be accessed below:

Barham: Held 19 October 2022, 6pm.



Community updates

Our teams in Moulamein have been undertaking flood preparation operations around the town over the last few weeks.

We’ve installed fill at certain low points and continue to build-up levees using sandbags and fill.

You’ll see the team continuing with sandbag placement at certain spots around the town and other necessary works as we head towards the expected peak. 

Sandbagging operations continue.

For the latest updates on the sandbagging site, follow our Facebook news feed here.

SES update fact sheet

Community-Update-north-western-area.pdf(PDF, 358KB)

Moulamein update 2 November(PDF, 563KB)

Community meeting recordings

Monday 21 November, 2022



Wednesday 16 November, 2022:



Community updates

General update

Our teams have been monitoring the road network in the north-western area of the council.

You’ll see the team continuing with these efforts, and you can view the current road closures at the top of this page.

SES continue to monitor the area with regards to river levels and will issue alerts where necessary. Please call 132 500 if you have any concerns. 

Social support

If you (or someone you know) feel isolated during this time, please get in touch with our Community Services Team who can assist with information, social support and welfare checks if required: call 1300 087 004 and our teams in Moulamein and Tooleybuc can help you out.

 SES advice

The NSW SES utilises the hazard watch platform for emergency notifications and advice.

This is the best and most up-to-date emergency information available relating to the current flood situation.

Some Victorian alerts are showing flooding in their mapping that covers into the NSW side - but this is not factoring in the NSW levee/s.

So the best advice for residents is to always follow the information from the NSW SES:

Visit SES website here

SES update fact sheets

Community-Update-north-western-area.pdf(PDF, 358KB)

Community update north-western area 2(PDF, 342KB)

FAQ's(PDF, 61KB)

  • Check latest weather, warnings, rainfall and river heights at the Bureau of Meterology
  • Follow our Facebook feed for local road closure updates
  • Contact your Local Land Services Office for rural animal and livestock assistance at www.lls.nsw.gov.au or call 1300 795 299
  • For emergency help in floods and storms, call the NSW State Emergency Service on 132 500.
  • In life threatening situations, call Triple Zero (000) immediately.